As stoves are becoming more popular way to heat your Devon Home, I am getting asked time and time again by homeowners who are considering changing an open fire over to a wood burning stove ‘why should I get my chimney lined’ or worse still , ‘ a friend of mine said you don’t need to have a liner ‘ 


Do I need to line my chimney ?

Building regulations do not insist that you fit a chimney liner if

  • Your  chimney can be proved  sound
  • Is of a diameter suitable for the stove
  • The stove can be connect to the chimney in a way that satisfies the regulations
  • The end result is that the stove draws within the parameters laid down by the maker
  • It can be swept & all debris removed
  • All building regulation is followed

Then you do not have to fit a chimney.


Stoves work best when connected to a flue with a size as close as possible to that specified by the manufacturer.

A stove designed to work with a 6″ flue will not perform so well if attached to a chimney with an 11″ diameter! Fit a chimney liner properly, insulate it if required, and there should be no reason for a stove not to perform perfectly: happy dreams for the fitter.

Possible consequences of deciding not to fit a chimney liner

1. If the chimney is not sound then smoke and Carbon Monoxide can travel into your (or next door’s) property and it can and does kill.

2. Smoke  rises because it is hot – cool it down and it will slow, stop or sink. Smoke does not rise well in cold chimneys, especially where heat-stealing voids, or non-smooth surfaces are present as these steal heat and slow down the combustibles. These combustibles, when slowed, deposit tar and condensation both of which can damage properties. If smoke slows down so much it is possible the  smoke behind will dam up underneath and the stove burns poorly. Smoke will exit from the stove doors when they are opened to add fuel, and exit the stove via intakes designed to let air into the stove (adding dangerous gases to the room).

3. A chimney fire is more likely (far less likely if lined and would also be contained within the metal tube) if you do not fit a chimney liner.

Sometimes people say “do I have to line my chimney when I have had an open fire in this chimney for years and no problems”. Open fires are very inefficient compared to stoves and have a very large amount of heat going up the chimney: the heat in most open fires travels fast and out the pot before it has chance to cool and deposit tars etc. With an open fire 70% or more of the heat generated by the fire goes out the top of the chimney. Modern solid fuel stoves are highly efficient with only 25% or less heat going up the chimney -more heat for the room with less out of the chimney. Solid fuel stoves need all the help they can get in keeping that rising air good and hot hence liners and insulated liners.

If you  are still thinking about fitting a stove without a liner please talk to us. We at ProSweep do not fit stove , we only sweep so have no financial interest in you fitting a stove, but we do have an interest n the safety on all home we sweep in.